Friday, February 26, 2010

My Day Ends Well

While my day began with freaky zombie dreams, it is ending a very nice note. I came home from work to 3 packages for me. The first was an order of watch parts from Karen Hardy. I'm not sure how to use them, but I'm looking forward to figuring it out! The second package was copper mesh and glass from Howaco. YUM! The last package was from Amazon; Designing Jewelry with Glass Beads by Stephanie Sersich and Kitty's House of Horrors by Carrie Vaughn.

It going to be great weekend!


I often have highly detailed dreams. Last night I had a very vivid dream involving the walking dead (zombies, really, but they weren't the decaying, drooling, eat-your-brains sort of zombies) and dogs. The dogs weren't zombies, and at the end of the dream they were well on a course of leading me to my demise. As we were fleeing the building, the dogs (a weiner dog named Jessie and a Jack Russell terrier) discovered an open drain in the lobby that they had to investigate. I couldn't leave my dogs behind and I ran back into the building to get them. I was surrounded by zombies. And that's when I woke up all in a terror.

Going to be a long day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bead Cult

It was time for the purple Nikes and Kool-aid this weekend. We all gathered in Grand Rapids at Laura's house. We cooed over Lindsey's baby, ate birthday cake, and fondled some serious bead porn.

Sandra's garden necklace

Dawn Ceccacci of Dawn's Art Glass. I learn something from her every time we meet!

Beads, beads, beads!