Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm Baaacckk...

Well, kind of. I have been under the weather for the past week or so, but I am beginning to feel better. Or more accurately, I am sick of laying around & doing nothing. :) So, hopefully I can resume my desire to post here once a day. Heck, I might even make some beads tomorrow. *gasp*


Karolen said...

Welcome back! I've been feeling the exact same way. I'm so sick of feeling sick!
Cute picture!

Ellen said...

I wondered what was going on - glad you're feeling better. What a drag.

one-eared pig said...

Thanks, Ellen. It is actually my gallbladder. All those years of hard living are starting to catch up. heehee

vonna said...

Years of hard living ~ LOL -
You are a baby!
Glad to hear you are okay!