Sunday, October 3, 2010

An Open Letter, or, Non-Adventures in the Void

To my old friend Depression,

Nice try. No, really, it was. You've always been a sly little bitch that quietly creeps in unnoticed, but the sneak attack of nearly overwhelming apathy was a new one. You slipped in, wrapped me up in gauze and stashed me into the corner of my own mind, lost in the Void. I could still feel emotion, but from a great distance. Passion, happiness, sadness; while not gone, nearly inaccessable. To the casual observer, everything seemed to be fine. I got up, I went to work, I cooked dinner, and I did it every day. But, it all meant nothing. I felt (nearly) nothing. I lost weeks.

But we've danced this dance, in one form or another, for a couple of decades now. You may be able to creep in, but I have learned to creep in, too. I rebuilt the connection from me to me, that which makes me. I've learned over the years that it isn't enough to survive. I enjoy living.

So cue the Gloria Gaynor music. I will survive.

In short, my old friend - Fuck. You.


nicole said...

Perfectly said!

elisabeth said...

Awesome post! Way to show that sneaky bitch who's boss!

Beadbug said...

You go girl kick it to the curb.

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

That's telling like it is Mel!

Elizabeth said...

I know, so well, how all that feels! Congrats to you and AMEN.