I gave them my own twist and added multiple eyes, and you can't see it, but this fish (as most of mine did) had a butt.
This is the fish I bought from Ofilia:
See the similarity? Neither do I. :) My point is, great art and great people make you you want to strive for more, to do more, and to be a better you. What is great art? For me, it is something that stimulates and makes you think. What is a great person? Someone who smiles at you (and doesn't look for the exits) as you babble on about your divorceandyouroventhatburnseverythingnomatterthetemperatureandhowmuchyouveadmiredherworkforoversevenyearsandyouaresogeekedtomeetyou...
OMG! I so relate. I got to meet Kristi Bowman at NWBS Bead Bizarre and thought I was going to hyperventalate, I was talking so much. She is a metal artist I have been following on Flickr and Facebook and I just LOVE her work. I think she thought I was nuts.
:) Good to know I am not alone... (and now I have to go look her up so I can stalk, too)
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